
The joint Conference of the AIMETA Groups GIMC, GMA and GBMA is of interest to all the researchers in the area of applied mechanics, with special regard to solid mechanics, structural mechanics, bio-structural mechanics, fluid mechanics, and mechanics of materials and biomaterials. The aim of the conference is to provide a meeting for researchers from different disciplines who are developing and using advanced analytical and numerical methods for the solution of problems of engineering and applied sciences, in order to facilitate the interdisciplinary exchange and dissemination of the most recent developments in the fields of computational mechanics,  mechanics of materials and biomechanics. The format of the conference is designed to enhance interaction and discussion among participants. Particular relevance will be given to the presentation of applications and simulation of processes related to innovative products of industrial, engineering and bioengineering impact.

Book of abstracts

The definitive version of the book af abstracts (pdf format) is available at the following link:

Main website

After experiencing some issues in the past few days, the main website has been completely restored.
Visit the main website to get all the Conference information.

Abstract submission

The deadline for submitting abstracts has expired.

In order to submit an abstract it is necessary to be registered to this website.

Once registered, you can access the "Reserved area" with your credentials and from the reserved menu, use the upload procedure.

Log in if you are already registered or perform a new registration.

Abstract template

To correctly submit your abstract, download the template to use.

© Joint Conference of the AIMETA Groups GIMC, GMA and GBMA